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Get The Medicare Plan That’s Right for You

Omaha Insurance Solutions is an independent insurance agency acting as your broker with many recognized, top-tier insurance companies offering you a very wide selection of Medicare Supplements (Medigap policies); Medicare Advantage (Part C plans); Medicare Part D prescriptions drug plans; Dental, Vision, Hearing plans, and other related health insurance products. We go above and beyond what any other Medicare insurance agent in Omaha can do for you. We accomplish four goals with you:

  • Educate you about Medicare using the Official Medicare Handbook.
  • Explain the details of the hundreds of health plans in the area
  • Address your special health & financials needs
  • Take care of all the paperwork

Then we review your Medicare plan each year because there are three certainties: Medicare will change, the plans will change, and your needs will change over the years. You need to have the best plan that meets your needs and circumstances each year. Unlike other Medicare insurance agents in Omaha, we ensure that you have the best plan that perfectly matches your unique requirements each year.

What We Offer At Omaha Insurance:

  • Part A
  • Part B
  • Part D
  • Medigap Policies
  • Part C

We Help You Understand Medicare in Omaha, Nebraska

Older group of people celebrating their medicare supplement enrollment

What’s a Medicare Supplement?

While Original Medicare provides benefits for healthcare it doesn’t cover 100% for procedures or exposures, leaving costly gaps especially as we get older and need increased medical attention. These gaps can be significant for individuals without additional coverage. That’s where Nebraska Medicare Supplement Insurance, also called Medigap policies, comes in.

They enhance your coverage as they are designed to help cover costs not covered under Medicare Parts A and B. Whether it is gaps created by Medicare co-payments, coinsurance, or deductibles they can add up to a substantial amount in cases where there’s a need for frequent doctor visits due to chronic illness or health emergency.

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Woman researching medicare insurance options in Omaha

What’s Medicare Advantage?

You may find that your Original Medicare benefits are lacking but can’t afford a Medicare Supplement Insurance plan to close your out-of-pocket expenses. There is another choice available for you. It’s Medicare Advantage (Part C Plans), and at Omaha Insurance Solutions we can help you choose the right plan for you.

Medicare Advantage offers insurers all of the ordinary benefits under Part A hospital and inpatient coverage and Part B outpatient care. In many cases, it also offers prescription drug coverage as part of the overall package. Plus you get to choose from different types of Medicare Advantage plans from various healthcare providers.

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Older couple happy about their medicare enrollment

What’s Medicare Part D?

Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage is available from private insurance companies to those also eligible for Original Medicare and who permanently reside in the service area of a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan. There are different types of plans available from the various insurers with premiums and out-of-pocket expenses varying accordingly.

Medicare Part D is designed to make prescription drugs (that can be vital for health care) affordable. There is one of two approaches to take: you can either join Medicare Part D or instead join a Medicare Advantage Plan with drug coverage. Regardless of the plan you choose, it can help cover costs of brand-name and/or generic drugs at pharmacies convenient for you, thus making affordable prescription drugs a reality.

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Get a Quote Today!

Are you ready to find the best medicare healthcare insurance plan for your needs? Fill out the form to get a free quote or speak to Christopher Grimmond our licensed Omaha, Nebraska agent at 402-614-3389.

What Our Clients Are Saying About Omaha Insurance Solutions

Ron & Terri T.

Chris and his team are absolutely amazing. He is so knowledgeable of the Medicare sign up process that we were totally impressed and would highly recommend Chris and his team to anyone. I promise you will not be disappointed.

Joe & Myra R.

What an adventure! We started getting ourselves educated about Medicare insurance coverage several years ago – a bit too early, given how things change every year! While we had a foundational knowledge of the basics, it was helpful to work with Chris to fine tune all the nuances and make sure we were enrolling in the plan that best met our needs. Fingers crossed that our retirement and future insurance needs do not present any unwelcomed “surprises”. If that’s the case, we’ll be setting up time with Chris to help us through it!

Lisa G

Thank you Christopher!
You made the whole process of choosing a Medicare supplement easy and less confusing.
I appreciate your knowledge and professionalism. You are a great asset to all of us “young at heart” clients!
I will give your name and number to my eligible Medicare friends.
Thanks again,