
Shifting from Your ACA Marketplace to Medicare

By: Chris Grimmond • On: June 24, 2015

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has brought many questions to business owners and individuals alike. What plan is the best? What kind of healthcare will you qualify for? Will you get to keep your same doctors? For those who are retired or close to retirement, the subject can be even more complicated. When you retire […]

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Medicare and Foreign Travel

By: Chris Grimmond • On: June 15, 2015

When I was 23, I fell down a mountain while jobbing in Mexico. It was my 2nd trip. My tumble resulted in some serious scrapes and cuts. The nurse at the school I was studying strongly suggested that I get a tetanus shot since I couldn’t remember the last time I had had one. I […]

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Plan F is the Best?

By: Chris Grimmond • On: June 7, 2015

Sheep get sheared.  They follow the other sheep into the pen, down the shoot, then in to the hands of the shearer and are fleeced.  The ram is a alert.  He doesn’t go with the flow he leads the way and butts heads when he is force to go where he doesn’t want to go. How […]

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The Best Medicare Supplement

By: Chris Grimmond • On: May 30, 2015

The question that I am constantly asked during the course of a consultation on Medicare is ‘which is the best plan?’  My answer to the question of the best Medicare supplement is always the same.  It all depends.  Each person is different.  Needs are different.  Perception of reality is different.  If you ask my wife, […]

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What Are the Most Common Medicare Mistakes People Make?

By: Chris Grimmond • On: May 29, 2015

Medicare can be a confusing topic to navigate, especially for those who have not had any experience with it yet. From wondering what ACA implications have to do with Medicare, if anything, to learning the different components of Medicare coverage, it’s easy to make mistakes. Unfortunately, Medicare mistakes can be very costly and time consuming! […]

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Medicare is a Bargain!

By: Chris Grimmond • On: May 25, 2015

Would you be interested in a service that you must absolutely have? As a matter-of-fact, almost everyone has it. It’s not free. You will have to pay, but let’s say you could get the same thing for 400% less than what most people pay. Would you be interested in a bargain like that? Most people […]

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Does Medicare Cover Cancer Treatment?

By: Chris Grimmond • On: May 17, 2015

Does Medicare Cover Cancer Treatment After Age 76 My mother had her routine physical in Nov of 2011. There were many tests.  One test came back positive for cancer. We were stunned. She had no symptoms. Everything was fine, we thought.  As the doctors performed more tests, they determined my mother had stage four ovarian […]

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Medicare Part B, Or Not Part B

By: Chris Grimmond • On: May 12, 2015

I talk to lots of people about Medicare.  One gentleman told me about his $1,258.80 mistake.  He signed up for Social Security and Medicare at sixty-five because he thought he had to.  Started receiving Social Security.  Got his Medicare Part A and Part B card.  Started paying his $104.90 for Part B.  At the end […]

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How To Buy Medigap Insurance?

By: Chris Grimmond • On: May 7, 2015

Most people show up at the steps of Medicare without any idea about how to buy Medigap insurance.  If they have health insurance company A at their work, they call up health insurance company A and buy their Medigap insurance from company A.  They don’t shop, and most pay more without getting more. Amateur Or […]

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VA Benefits and Medicare

By: Chris Grimmond • On: May 3, 2015

My father was a Korean War veteran.  He served on a tin can-minesweeper along the Korean coast.  The last 3 months of his life he spent in a VA Hospital.  My brothers and I and our family’s kept vigil.  I was sleeping next to his bed the morning he passed.  After we grieved, the nurses prepared […]

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What Our Clients Are Saying About Omaha Insurance Solutions

Ron & Terri T.

Chris and his team are absolutely amazing. He is so knowledgeable of the Medicare sign up process that we were totally impressed and would highly recommend Chris and his team to anyone. I promise you will not be disappointed.

Joe & Myra R.

What an adventure! We started getting ourselves educated about Medicare insurance coverage several years ago – a bit too early, given how things change every year! While we had a foundational knowledge of the basics, it was helpful to work with Chris to fine tune all the nuances and make sure we were enrolling in the plan that best met our needs. Fingers crossed that our retirement and future insurance needs do not present any unwelcomed “surprises”. If that’s the case, we’ll be setting up time with Chris to help us through it!

Lisa G

Thank you Christopher!
You made the whole process of choosing a Medicare supplement easy and less confusing.
I appreciate your knowledge and professionalism. You are a great asset to all of us “young at heart” clients!
I will give your name and number to my eligible Medicare friends.
Thanks again,